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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2011-02-18
Use ORCAD® Capture/PSpice, or any other suitable software tool, to create the
filter circuit developed in tasks 6 and 7. Make use of ideal Operational Amplifiers
(ANALOG/OPAMP) and assign the theoretical values calculated in Task 7 to the
passive components. You may make use of ‘parameters’ to specify/calculate the
values of the components.
Perform an AC Analysis in order to verify that the circuit meets the gain frequency
response specified by the template in figure 3. Include a readable print-out, or
electronic image, (eg. PSpice - Window - Copy to Clipboard) of both the circuit
diagram and the gain response of the filter. Clearly annotate the frequency response
print out to show that the required filter template response is met by your circuit
Task 9
Replace the ideal Op-Amps used in Task 8 with suitable real Op-Amps.
Repeat the AC Analysis in order to assess the effects of using real Op-Amps on the
gain frequency response.
Include a readable print-out or electronic image of both the circuit diagram and the
gain response with annotation clearly showing the effects of using real Op-Amps.
Comment on the results gained above and attempt to explain any differences in the
responses of the two versions of the filter (Ideal Op-Amps vs real Op-Amps).
Suggest what may be done if the response produced by the circuit does not meet
the template shown in figure 3.
Task 10
Compile a table showing the suitable types of passive components that could be
used to manufacture your birth-number filter. Include the type of material used and
the value, along with an appropriate percentage tolerance (based upon
commercially available components). Attach the tolerances to all of the passive
components in your schematic. Making use of the so-called ‘Worst-Case/Sensitivity
Analysis’ tool (Orcad-PSpice®), or some other method, determine the combination
of passive component values that results in the highest deviation (both plus and
minus) from the nominal gain response. Assume that all passive components will be
either higher or lower than their nominal value by the full percentage tolerance.
Create a table showing the polarity of each component tolerance corresponding to
both the highest positive and negative deviation from the nominal gain response.
Include a print-out or electronic image of both the nominal gain response along with
the responses produced as a result of Worst-Case/Sensitivity analysis, clearly
labelling both the worst-case positive and negative deviations from the nominal.
Comment on whether the results meet the filter template shown in figure 1, suggest
possible solutions if this is not the case.
10,编译一个表格,列出了可用于制造你的出生数滤波器无源器件的合适类型。包括使用的材料和数据类型,以及一个适当的百分比误差(在商业上可用的组件为基础)。公差附加在您的原理图中所有的被动元件。利用所谓的'Worst-Case/Sensitivity分析:工具(的OrCAD - PSpice ®的),或其他方法,确定使用的被动元件值的组合,结果在最高偏离名义(包括正,负)增益响应。假设所有的被动元件会高于或低于其耐受性的充分面值的百分比更低。创建一个表显示了每个组件都对应性最高的正面和负面的名义增益响应偏差极性。包括打印出或双方的名义增益响应随着生产的电子图像作为一个Worst-Case/Sensitivity分析的结果,都清楚地标记在最坏情况下,从正面和负面的名义偏差的反应。结果是否符合过滤器模板,如图1所示,评论认为这是可能的解决方案,如果情况并非如此。

R1=1K, R2=0.08651K。Ca=Cb=Cc=10uF

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